# Copyright (c) 2008,2015,2016 MetPy Developers.
# Distributed under the terms of the BSD 3-Clause License.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
"""Contains a collection of basic calculations.
These include:
* wind components
* heat index
* windchill
from __future__ import division
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ..constants import g, omega, Rd
from ..package_tools import Exporter
from ..units import atleast_1d, check_units, masked_array, units
exporter = Exporter(globals())
def get_wind_speed(u, v):
r"""Compute the wind speed from u and v-components.
u : array_like
Wind component in the X (East-West) direction
v : array_like
Wind component in the Y (North-South) direction
wind speed: array_like
The speed of the wind
See Also
speed = np.sqrt(u * u + v * v)
return speed
def get_wind_dir(u, v):
r"""Compute the wind direction from u and v-components.
u : array_like
Wind component in the X (East-West) direction
v : array_like
Wind component in the Y (North-South) direction
wind direction: `pint.Quantity`
The direction of the wind, specified as the direction from
which it is blowing, with 0 being North.
See Also
wdir = 90. * units.deg - np.arctan2(-v, -u)
origshape = wdir.shape
wdir = atleast_1d(wdir)
wdir[wdir < 0] += 360. * units.deg
return wdir.reshape(origshape)
def get_wind_components(speed, wdir):
r"""Calculate the U, V wind vector components from the speed and direction.
speed : array_like
The wind speed (magnitude)
wdir : array_like
The wind direction, specified as the direction from which the wind is
blowing, with 0 being North.
u, v : tuple of array_like
The wind components in the X (East-West) and Y (North-South)
directions, respectively.
See Also
>>> from metpy.units import units
>>> metpy.calc.get_wind_components(10. * units('m/s'), 225. * units.deg)
(<Quantity(7.071067811865475, 'meter / second')>,
<Quantity(7.071067811865477, 'meter / second')>)
wdir = _check_radians(wdir, max_radians=4 * np.pi)
u = -speed * np.sin(wdir)
v = -speed * np.cos(wdir)
return u, v
@check_units(temperature='[temperature]', speed='[speed]')
def windchill(temperature, speed, face_level_winds=False, mask_undefined=True):
r"""Calculate the Wind Chill Temperature Index (WCTI).
Calculates WCTI from the current temperature and wind speed using the formula
outlined by the FCM [FCMR192003]_.
Specifically, these formulas assume that wind speed is measured at
10m. If, instead, the speeds are measured at face level, the winds
need to be multiplied by a factor of 1.5 (this can be done by specifying
`face_level_winds` as `True`.)
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
The air temperature
speed : `pint.Quantity`
The wind speed at 10m. If instead the winds are at face level,
`face_level_winds` should be set to `True` and the 1.5 multiplicative
correction will be applied automatically.
face_level_winds : bool, optional
A flag indicating whether the wind speeds were measured at facial
level instead of 10m, thus requiring a correction. Defaults to
mask_undefined : bool, optional
A flag indicating whether a masked array should be returned with
values where wind chill is undefined masked. These are values where
the temperature > 50F or wind speed <= 3 miles per hour. Defaults
to `True`.
The corresponding Wind Chill Temperature Index value(s)
See Also
# Correct for lower height measurement of winds if necessary
if face_level_winds:
# No in-place so that we copy
# noinspection PyAugmentAssignment
speed = speed * 1.5
temp_limit, speed_limit = 10. * units.degC, 3 * units.mph
speed_factor = speed.to('km/hr').magnitude ** 0.16
wcti = units.Quantity((0.6215 + 0.3965 * speed_factor) * temperature.to('degC').magnitude -
11.37 * speed_factor + 13.12, units.degC).to(temperature.units)
# See if we need to mask any undefined values
if mask_undefined:
mask = np.array((temperature > temp_limit) | (speed <= speed_limit))
if mask.any():
wcti = masked_array(wcti, mask=mask)
return wcti
def heat_index(temperature, rh, mask_undefined=True):
r"""Calculate the Heat Index from the current temperature and relative humidity.
The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Rothfusz1990]_. This equation is a
multi-variable least-squares regression of the values obtained in [Steadman1979]_.
temperature : `pint.Quantity`
Air temperature
rh : array_like
The relative humidity expressed as a unitless ratio in the range [0, 1].
Can also pass a percentage if proper units are attached.
The corresponding Heat Index value(s)
Other Parameters
mask_undefined : bool, optional
A flag indicating whether a masked array should be returned with
values where heat index is undefined masked. These are values where
the temperature < 80F or relative humidity < 40 percent. Defaults
to `True`.
See Also
delta = temperature - 0. * units.degF
rh2 = rh * rh
delta2 = delta * delta
# Calculate the Heat Index -- constants converted for RH in [0, 1]
hi = (-42.379 * units.degF + 2.04901523 * delta +
1014.333127 * units.delta_degF * rh - 22.475541 * delta * rh -
6.83783e-3 / units.delta_degF * delta2 - 5.481717e2 * units.delta_degF * rh2 +
1.22874e-1 / units.delta_degF * delta2 * rh + 8.5282 * delta * rh2 -
1.99e-2 / units.delta_degF * delta2 * rh2)
# See if we need to mask any undefined values
if mask_undefined:
mask = np.array((temperature < 80. * units.degF) | (rh < 40 * units.percent))
if mask.any():
hi = masked_array(hi, mask=mask)
return hi
def pressure_to_height_std(pressure):
r"""Convert pressure data to heights using the U.S. standard atmosphere.
The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Hobbs1977]_ pg.60-61.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric pressure
The corresponding height value(s)
.. math:: Z = \frac{T_0}{\Gamma}[1-\frac{p}{p_0}^\frac{R\Gamma}{g}]
t0 = 288. * units.kelvin
gamma = 6.5 * units('K/km')
p0 = 1013.25 * units.mbar
return (t0 / gamma) * (1 - (pressure / p0).to('dimensionless')**(Rd * gamma / g))
def height_to_pressure_std(height):
r"""Convert height data to pressures using the U.S. standard atmosphere.
The implementation inverts the formula outlined in [Hobbs1977]_ pg.60-61.
height : `pint.Quantity`
Atmospheric height
The corresponding pressure value(s)
.. math:: p = p_0 e^{\frac{g}{R \Gamma} \text{ln}(1-\frac{Z \Gamma}{T_0})}
t0 = 288. * units.kelvin
gamma = 6.5 * units('K/km')
p0 = 1013.25 * units.mbar
return p0 * (1 - (gamma / t0) * height) ** (g / (Rd * gamma))
def coriolis_parameter(latitude):
r"""Calculate the coriolis parameter at each point.
The implementation uses the formula outlined in [Hobbs1977]_ pg.370-371.
latitude : array_like
Latitude at each point
The corresponding coriolis force at each point
latitude = _check_radians(latitude, max_radians=np.pi / 2)
return 2. * omega * np.sin(latitude)
@check_units('[pressure]', '[length]')
def add_height_to_pressure(pressure, height):
r"""Calculate the pressure at a certain height above another pressure level.
This assumes a standard atmosphere.
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
Pressure level
height : `pint.Quantity`
Height above a pressure level
The corresponding pressure value for the height above the pressure level
See Also
pressure_to_height_std, height_to_pressure_std, add_pressure_to_height
pressure_level_height = pressure_to_height_std(pressure)
return height_to_pressure_std(pressure_level_height + height)
@check_units('[length]', '[pressure]')
def add_pressure_to_height(height, pressure):
r"""Calculate the height at a certain pressure above another height.
This assumes a standard atmosphere.
height : `pint.Quantity`
Height level
pressure : `pint.Quantity`
Pressure above height level
The corresponding height value for the pressure above the height level
See Also
pressure_to_height_std, height_to_pressure_std, add_height_to_pressure
pressure_at_height = height_to_pressure_std(height)
return pressure_to_height_std(pressure_at_height - pressure)
@check_units('[dimensionless]', '[pressure]', '[pressure]')
def sigma_to_pressure(sigma, psfc, ptop):
r"""Calculate pressure from sigma values.
sigma : ndarray
The sigma levels to be converted to pressure levels.
psfc : `pint.Quantity`
The surface pressure value.
ptop : `pint.Quantity`
The pressure value at the top of the model domain.
The pressure values at the given sigma levels.
Sigma definition adapted from [Philips1957]_.
.. math:: p = \sigma * (p_{sfc} - p_{top}) + p_{top}
* :math:`p` is pressure at a given `\sigma` level
* :math:`\sigma` is non-dimensional, scaled pressure
* :math:`p_{sfc}` is pressure at the surface or model floor
* :math:`p_{top}` is pressure at the top of the model domain
if np.any(sigma < 0) or np.any(sigma > 1):
raise ValueError('Sigma values should be bounded by 0 and 1')
if psfc.magnitude < 0 or ptop.magnitude < 0:
raise ValueError('Pressure input should be non-negative')
return sigma * (psfc - ptop) + ptop
def _check_radians(value, max_radians=2 * np.pi):
"""Input validation of values that could be in degrees instead of radians.
value : `pint.Quantity`
The input value to check.
max_radians : float
Maximum absolute value of radians before warning.
The input value
value = value.to('radians').m
except AttributeError:
if np.greater(np.nanmax(np.abs(value)), max_radians):
warnings.warn('Input over {} radians. '
'Ensure proper units are given.'.format(max_radians))
return value