The Common Data Model (CDM) is a data model for representing a wide array of data. The goal is to be a simple, universal interface to different datasets. This API is a Python implementation in the spirit of the original Java interface in netCDF-Java.


A class to handle maintaining a list of netCDF attributes. Implements the attribute handling for other CDM classes.

Initialize an AttributeContainer.


Initialize an AttributeContainer.


Get a list of the names of the netCDF attributes.


A Dataset represents a set of data using the Common Data Model (CDM).

This is currently only a wrapper around the root Group.

Initialize a Dataset.


Initialize a Dataset.

class, name, size=None)

A Dimension is used to represent a shared dimension between different Variables. For instance, variables that are dependent upon a common set of times.

Initialize a Dimension. Instead of constructing a Dimension directly, you should use Group.createDimension.

  • group (Group) – The parent Group that owns this Variable.
  • name (str) – The name of this Variable.
  • size (int or None, optional) – The size of the Dimension. Defaults to None, which implies an empty dimension.
__init__(group, name, size=None)

Initialize a Dimension. Instead of constructing a Dimension directly, you should use Group.createDimension.

  • group (Group) – The parent Group that owns this Variable.
  • name (str) – The name of this Variable.
  • size (int or None, optional) – The size of the Dimension. Defaults to None, which implies an empty dimension.

Get the Group that owns this Dimension.

Returns:Group – The parent Group.
name = None

desc – The name of the Dimension :type: str

size = None

desc – The size of this Dimension :type: int

class, name)

A Group holds dimensions and variables. Every CDM dataset has at least a root group.

Initialize this Group. Instead of constructing a Group directly, you should use createGroup().

  • parent (Group or None) – The parent Group for this one. Passing in None implies that this is the root Group.
  • name (str) – The name of this group
__init__(parent, name)

Initialize this Group. Instead of constructing a Group directly, you should use createGroup().

  • parent (Group or None) – The parent Group for this one. Passing in None implies that this is the root Group.
  • name (str) – The name of this group
createDimension(name, size)

Create a new Dimension in this Group.

  • name (str) – The name of the new Dimension.
  • size (int) – The size of the Dimension

Dimension – The newly created Dimension


Create a new Group as a descendant of this one.

Parameters:name (str) – The name of the new Group.
Returns:Group – The newly created Group
createVariable(name, datatype, dimensions=(), fill_value=None, wrap_array=None)

Create a new Variable in this Group.

  • name (str) – The name of the new Variable.
  • datatype (str or numpy.dtype) – A valid Numpy dtype that describes the layout of the data within the Variable.
  • dimensions (tuple[str], optional) – The dimensions of this Variable. Defaults to empty, which implies a scalar variable.
  • fill_value (number, optional) – A scalar value that is used to fill the created storage. Defaults to None, which performs no filling, leaving the storage uninitialized.
  • wrap_array (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Instead of creating an array, the Variable instance will assume ownership of the passed in array as its data storage. This is a performance optimization to avoid copying large data blocks. Defaults to None, which means a new array will be created.

Variable – The newly created Variable

dimensions = None

desc – Dimensions contained within this group :type: dict[str, Dimension]

groups = None

desc – Any Groups nested within this one :type: dict[str, Group]

name = None

desc – The name of the Group :type: str

variables = None

desc – Variables contained within this group :type: dict[str, Variable]

class, name, datatype, dimensions, fill_value, wrap_array)

A Variable holds typed data (using a numpy.ndarray), as well as any relevant attributes (e.g. units).

In addition to its various attributes, the Variable supports getting and setting data using the [] operator and indices or slices. Getting data returns numpy.ndarray instances.

Initialize a Variable. Instead of constructing a Variable directly, you should use Group.createVariable().

  • group (Group) – The parent Group that owns this Variable.
  • name (str) – The name of this Variable.
  • datatype (str or numpy.dtype) – A valid Numpy dtype that describes the layout of each element of the data
  • dimensions (tuple[str], optional) – The dimensions of this Variable. Defaults to empty, which implies a scalar variable.
  • fill_value (scalar, optional) – A scalar value that is used to fill the created storage. Defaults to None, which performs no filling, leaving the storage uninitialized.
  • wrap_array (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Instead of creating an array, the Variable instance will assume ownership of the passed in array as its data storage. This is a performance optimization to avoid copying large data blocks. Defaults to None, which means a new array will be created.
__init__(group, name, datatype, dimensions, fill_value, wrap_array)

Initialize a Variable. Instead of constructing a Variable directly, you should use Group.createVariable().

  • group (Group) – The parent Group that owns this Variable.
  • name (str) – The name of this Variable.
  • datatype (str or numpy.dtype) – A valid Numpy dtype that describes the layout of each element of the data
  • dimensions (tuple[str], optional) – The dimensions of this Variable. Defaults to empty, which implies a scalar variable.
  • fill_value (scalar, optional) – A scalar value that is used to fill the created storage. Defaults to None, which performs no filling, leaving the storage uninitialized.
  • wrap_array (numpy.ndarray, optional) – Instead of creating an array, the Variable instance will assume ownership of the passed in array as its data storage. This is a performance optimization to avoid copying large data blocks. Defaults to None, which means a new array will be created.

numpy.dtype – a valid Numpy dtype that describes the layout of each element of the data


tuple[str] – all the names of Dimension used by this Variable


numpy.dtype – a valid Numpy dtype that describes the layout of each element of the data


Get the Group that owns this Variable.

Returns:Group – The parent Group.

str – the name of the variable


int – the number of dimensions used by this variable


tuple[int] – a tuple of integers describing the size of the Variable along each of its dimensions


int – the total number of elements

Converts a Variable with projection information conforming to the Climate and Forecasting (CF) netCDF conventions to a Proj.4 Projection instance.

Parameters:var (Variable) – The projection variable with appropriate attributes.