Source code for awips.ThriftClient

# Provides a Python-based interface for executing Thrift requests.
#    Date            Ticket#       Engineer       Description
#    ------------    ----------    -----------    --------------------------
#    09/20/10                      dgilling       Initial Creation.

    import http.client as httpcl
except ImportError:
    import httplib as httpcl
from dynamicserialize import DynamicSerializationManager

[docs]class ThriftClient: # How to call this constructor: # 1. Pass in all arguments separately (e.g., # ThriftClient.ThriftClient("localhost", 9581, "/services")) # will return a Thrift client pointed at http://localhost:9581/services. # 2. Pass in all arguments through the host string (e.g., # ThriftClient.ThriftClient("localhost:9581/services")) # will return a Thrift client pointed at http://localhost:9581/services. # 3. Pass in host/port arguments through the host string (e.g., # ThriftClient.ThriftClient("localhost:9581", "/services")) # will return a Thrift client pointed at http://localhost:9581/services. def __init__(self, host, port=9581, uri="/services"): hostParts = host.split("/", 1) if len(hostParts) > 1: hostString = hostParts[0] self.__uri = "/" + hostParts[1] self.__httpConn = httpcl.HTTPConnection(hostString) else: if port is None: self.__httpConn = httpcl.HTTPConnection(host) else: self.__httpConn = httpcl.HTTPConnection(host, port) self.__uri = uri self.__dsm = DynamicSerializationManager.DynamicSerializationManager()
[docs] def sendRequest(self, request, uri="/thrift"): message = self.__dsm.serializeObject(request) self.__httpConn.connect() self.__httpConn.request("POST", self.__uri + uri, message) response = self.__httpConn.getresponse() if response.status != 200: raise ThriftRequestException("Unable to post request to server") rval = self.__dsm.deserializeBytes( self.__httpConn.close() # let's verify we have an instance of ServerErrorResponse # IF we do, through an exception up to the caller along # with the original Java stack trace # ELSE: we have a valid response and pass it back try: forceError = rval.getException() raise ThriftRequestException(forceError) except AttributeError: pass return rval
[docs]class ThriftRequestException(Exception): def __init__(self, value): self.parameter = value def __str__(self): return repr(self.parameter)